- Yupei Zhang (RA, 2022-2024; PhD candidate at University of Cambridge)
- Li Pan (RA, 2022-2024; PhD candidate at The University of Edinburgh)
- Qing Xu (RA, 2023-2024; PhD candidate at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China)
- Zhen Sun (RA, 2023-2024; PhD candidate at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou))
- Zikun Liu (RA, USTC Gifted Young, 2018-2019; PhD candidate at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Mentored several Ph.D. students in AIM Group, CUHK with their first publication in top journals and conferences
- served as the Mentor in the MICCAI 2025 Young Researcher Excellence Training Program
- Served as the Mentor in the MICCAI Society Mentorship Program, and helped Ph.D. students from Sweden, Germany, South Korea, etc